Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Foggy Fog

The flowers to the right are a pot I made up for our living room window. It is amazing what a pot of flowers does for a room! I love them.

Never before have I been inclined to thinking that the beach on a foggy day would be a good idea. But yesterday, as Jason has every Monday off, we decided to take a family day at New River Beach (an amazing place!). It was beautiful in town, but as we neared the beach there was a crazy wall of fog hanging there... as if it was waiting for us!! We had our doubts about going, whether it would be nice enough. But I remembered my good friend Aleisha saying that she liked a cloudy day at the beach because it wasn't so hot and sunny. It was more comfortable. So we got out of the car and headed for the beach... it turned out to be a super day! The fog hung around for the whole 3 hours we were there but the sun was there too so it was just great! The girls had a blast! The waves were crashing and smashing and we had so much fun. We almost lost Ada in the waves once: she lost her footing in the sand as the wave moved back out away from the shore. Jason had to run and pick her up before the next wave swallowed her up. Ada and I both got buried in the sand and Mia kept lying down as if she wanted to, but always got up before we could do it. Jason made a sand turtle... he's so creative like that! We had a lunch... it was just a super time. One of those family times where you come away just feeling grateful and Peaceful... especially since the girlies are almost instantly sleeping in the back seat and hubby and I get to enjoy the quiet on the way home.

Just want to put a sweet congratulations out there to my mom and dad for their 30th wedding anniversary! They have been in ups and downs and through it all are a shining example to me of sticking with it.. they recently had a little get-away to Maine and I am so glad they had such a good time. I love them very much!

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